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My 3D Printer

My workbench is an old drafting table which has a very large surface area. The tabletop itself is painted gloss black and a disposable paper desk tablet creates a work area.Two shelving type units from old computer desks sit at the back of the table and support many plastic organizers. There are many different light fixtures..... including flourescent, and both normal and "sunlight" bulbs. A magnifying arm with light is attached to the right side.

To the left of my table is a whole lot of plastic drawers and parts bins. All labeled to make finding things easier.

To the right is a table made from a piece of wood sitting on plastic storage drawers. On the table is my Silhouette cutter and a laptop that I use for modeling.

Three carousels hold my knives, commonly used brushes, markers, and other tools. The three drawer plastic bins above hold my paints. 1 drawer for blacks/whites/greys/metals. 1 drawer for brown/skin tones. 1 drawer for all other colors. And I have those same 3 doors for Acrylic and Enamels for a total of 6 drawers.

Clamps of every kind.You cannot have enough clamps as a model maker. Severl types of metal, plastic and wood (clothespins) clamps.

Glues for every type of model.

Carousels for my favorite Sharpies, brushes, tools, and knives.

Paint carousel for inexpensive hobby paints.

I use my office desk pad as a mixing area for painting. No cleanup, and when the page gets too dirty, I just rip off the top page of the desk pad and start again. The white paper makes it easy to find parts on the desk.

I put a kitchen scrubber (non-metalic) pad in Windex window cleaner to clean my brushes. The pad lets me scrup the bristles and the paint settles to the bottom.

I use these short jars with a wide mouth to hold my brush cleaning water or Windex.

Purchased a 3D Printer to experiment with printing HO scale models.

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