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Resistor Substitution Box

Resistor Substitution box that I made for testing various resistor values in circuits.

I cannot take credit for this as I found the plans on the web a long time ago.

I can dial up any resistor value from 0 to 750k in ranges

100 to 820
1k to 8.2k
10k to 82k
100k to 750k

I ordered 12 position switches, knobs, a lot of resistors, and terminal posts from eBay.

The plastic container is a dollar store purchase.

Bananna plug sockets were ordered from Ebay.

Front shot of the dials and my labels.

Did not spend a lot of time on this as you can tell.

Each switch has a resistor on each terminal and then the common terminal cascades to the next switch. This allows you to "add" the resistor values together.

Closeup of the resistors on a switch. Notice the first terminal has no resistor (For a 0 value).

Don't make fun of my soldering. It was one of the first things I ever soldered.

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