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Stock #3605
DescriptionDog Sport Field
Quantity owned1
TypeArea Zoo
Storage(*AZ) *Completed Model - Zoo
Size20.4 x 15 x 5.4 cm


I changed the use of this model to be a Stunt Dog show that will be in my Zoo area. This is the basic structure assembled with a paper interior and real slide glass for windows.

These are some of the obstacles and things used in the dog show.

The other side of the model. Fireplace weathered,

After soldering my LEDs to leads, I dip them in Liquid Electrical Tape to seal the connections.

The original interior supplied by Vollmer. Was mean to go against the windows which creates a fake look. I set it back to the middle of the room and applied it to a cardboard wall to give the scene some depth.

I used photoshop to overlay kennels, a kitchen, and rest rooms on the interior paper. Also gave a slight cloth look to the table cloths. Created the Stunt Dog logo for the sign.

Logo I found on the web.

Roof and gutters added.

Downspouts added.

The lighted interior.

Completed model.

Completed model.

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